Bat - Amigurum pattern
When I first encountered a bat, it was in a spooky movie, and I thought they were purely fictional.
Learn to crochet and let out that inner nerd! Come find crochet amigurumi patterns for free. There are patterns of childhood favourite characters. Mostly amigurumi, but with some other crochet ideas mixed in. Start crocheting that unique gift today, and put a smile on the special someones face.
Studies have shown that crocheting diminished the chance of developing mild cognitive impairment and memory loss. Helps the development of neural pathways in your brain to keep you mentally sharp.
Keeping your hands busy can help reduce stress and allow you to keep focus. Plus a ball of yarn and a hook are easily transportable allowing you to take your hobby anywhere.
Crocheting is completely different. If you had trouble knitting from things such as missing stitches, in crocheting you take it one stitch at a time. Crocheting can help you improve your skills for knitting.
Couple of balls of yarn and a crochet hook are under $20 and you can make truly unique gifts that people will love and that stores would sell for $100 or more.
When I first encountered a bat, it was in a spooky movie, and I thought they were purely fictional.
Charizard is icon when it comes to Pokémon and its fan base. Why wouldn't it be since it is a gi
Have you ever wanted to crochet a Mimikyu Pokémon since Sun and Moon came out? If so, then you are i